A Thousand Words: Reflections on Art and Christianity (Hardback)

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Part Number:1000WRDS

A Thousand Words by Mary Elizabeth Podles is a collection of her popular columns on art from Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity.

Included in this book are her first 62 essays, which appeared in Touchstone from 2012 through 2022. She has also added thirteen new essays introducing each historical period—from the Ancient World to the Modern Era—by which her subjects have been arranged. 

In addition to insights on many religious paintings and icons, the reader will also delve into architecture, sculpture, a pagan altar and temple, an illuminated manuscript, a chalice, a massive woodcut, a throne, a crown, a fountain, and even an astronomical clock. These thousand-word reflections offer readers a wide array of illuminating insights on art, culture, history, and, of course, the Christian faith.

204 pp. full-color, illustrated, sewn binding, cloth-bound hardcover. 8½ by 11 inches. $49.95

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